  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:

Requirements and Application

Thank you for applying to become a Hernando County Election Worker. As an Election Worker, you will be the face of Democracy for your neighbors, family, and friends.

You will be representing the Supervisor of Elections (SOE) and our team of permanent and temporary employees.

We look forward to working with you and celebrating another free and fair election in Hernando County!

  • Election Workers must follow the Florida Election Laws.
  • Election Workers must be registered voters in Hernando County. To check your voter registration, go to The Voter Lookup Tool.
  • Election Workers are required by law to attend training prior to each election. In Hernando County, we use in-person and online training for different aspects of every position.
  • Election workers must have their own smartphone, tablet, or computer which they routinely check for emails, voicemails, and/or text messages.
  • Election Workers must be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking the English language. Bi-lingual candidates (fluent in Spanish and English) are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Election Workers must have their own transportation.
  • Election Workers must be able to lift approximately 15 pounds.
  • Election Workers must show up for work at 6:00 AM and work for approximately 14 hours on Election Day. Election Workers take breaks, but cannot leave the polling place.
  • Election Workers must wear appropriate "business-casual" attire during training and while working the election.
  • Election Workers must be non-partisan in speech and dress during training and while working the election.
  • Election Workers are asked to refrain from overtly-partisan comments or not to identify themselves as Election Workers on social media. Election Workers must refrain from spreading inaccurate information about Elections.
  • Election Workers will be required to complete on-boarding paperwork for Hernando County Payroll. Election workers are paid by direct deposit only.
  • Election Workers must sign the Hernando County Drug-Free Compliance Document.

Election Worker Application

Please complete all fields of this application and click CONTINUE to apply for a position as

a Hernando County Election Worker in the next election. If you have any

trouble making an electronic request, you may download the application form and mail it to:

Election Worker Coordinator

Hernando County Supervisor of Elections

16264 Spring Hill Drive

Brooksville, FL 34604


"By clicking on the CONTINUE button below, I certify that I am a registered

voter in Hernando County, and that the information that I have provided above

is accurate. I also certify that I am able to meet all of the Election Worker

requirements listed above."


Not Required
Not Required
Not Required
Have you ever been convicted, plead guilty or no contest, or entered into a PTI for a felony or 1st/2nd degree misdemeanor? (Answering yes does not automatically disqualify you for consideration.)
Have you ever been convicted, plead guilty or no contest, or entered into a PTI for a felony or 1st/2nd degree misdemeanor? (Answering yes does not automatically disqualify you for consideration.)
Are you currently involved as a defendant in a criminal case? (Answering yes does not automatically disqualify you for consideration.)
Are you currently involved as a defendant in a criminal case? (Answering yes does not automatically disqualify you for consideration.)
Not Required
Have you previously worked elections in Florida or another state?
Have you previously worked elections in Florida or another state?



Shirley Anderson, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County
OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
PHONE: (352) 754-4125
FAX: (352) 754-4425
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

"It is the mission of the Supervisor of Elections office to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and empower each voter through continuous education."