  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:

Glossary of Terms

  • EViD - Electronic Voter IDentification system. A tabletop computer that is used to check voters in electronically.
  • ImageCast Evolution (ICE) - ICE Units are tabulation systems provided by Dominion Voting Systems. ICE Units are utilized for both Early Vote and Election Day Voting.

  • Supervisor of Elections (SOE) - Elected by the people of Hernando County to oversee and administer fair and accurate elections as stated in Florida Statutes.
  • Election Staff - Directly employed by the Supervisor of Elections to serve the public in the elections process.
  • Election Workers - Employed by the Supervisor of Elections and Election Worker coordinator to work on Election Day and Early Voting.

  • Ballot Card - A one-sheet paper ballot which is inserted into and read by the ICE Unit.
  • Spoiled Ballot - A ballot card on which a voter has made a mistake while voting. There is a limit of three ballots allowed per voter.
  • Under Vote - When a voter does not vote in a race. The ICE Unit will ask the voter if they wish to Cast or Return their ballot if the ballot is not completely filled out.
  • Over Vote - When a voter votes for more than the specified number in a race, the ICE Unite will return the ballot to the voter.

  • Precinct Register - The alphabetical listing of the registered voters who live in a precinct.
  • Poll Watcher - A person who has been asked by a candidate or a committee to be allowed in the polling location and observe the elections processed in accordance to Florida Election Law. This person must be approved by the Supervisor of Elections.

NOTE: If you would like an election related term defined and or added to the above list, please submit your request by email to:

[email protected]

All submissions for terms to be added will be reviewed and considered.

Shirley Anderson, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County
OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
PHONE: (352) 754-4125
FAX: (352) 754-4425
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

"It is the mission of the Supervisor of Elections office to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and empower each voter through continuous education."