  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:

Voting in Person

Voters who wish to vote and did not already vote early or by mail, must go to their assigned polling location between 7:00a.m. and 7:00p.m. in order to vote in an election.

Presidential Preference Primary Election Date: March 19, 2024

Primary Election Date: August 20, 2024

General Election Date: November 5, 2024

To find out where your assigned polling place is, use the Voter Lookup Tool.

When you go to the polling location, you need to bring your photo and signature identification with you.

Florida law requires two forms of identification at the polls. In order to vote you must present both signature and photo identification. It can be one form of identification, such as a Florida driver license, or two separate forms of identification. For example, you may have a membership card with your photograph on it but not your signature. You would then need to present a second form of identification with your signature on it. F.S. 101.043

Examples of Picture Identification:

  • Florida Driver License
  • Florida Identification Card
  • U.S. Passport
  • Military ID
  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Retirement Center ID
  • Student ID
  • Neighborhood Association ID
  • Public Assistance ID
  • Florida Concealed Weapon or Fireman License
  • Veteran Health Identification Card
  • Government Employee Identification Card

You MUST vote at your assigned polling place. If you try to vote at another polling place, you will be directed to go to your polling place. It is a felony to vote in a precinct in which you do not live. F.S. 101.045.

According to Florida Law, "There shall be in each precinct in each county one polling place which shall be accessible to the public on election day and is managed by a board of inspectors and clerk of election." The Board of County Commissioners in Hernando County, upon the recommendation and approval of the Supervisor of Elections, can alter or create precincts for voting in the county. Each precinct will be numbered and, wherever possible, composed of "contiguous and compact areas." The Supervisor of Elections will designate a polling place at a suitable location within each precinct. The precinct cannot be changed thereafter except with the consent of the Supervisor and a majority of the members of the Board of County Commissioners.

Each polling place will identified by a sign, on or near the premises of the polling place, designating the polling place by number. The sign will be large enough to be clearly visible to occupants of passing vehicle traffic on roads adjacent to the polling place, with letters no smaller than 3 inches high, and will be displayed at all times while the polls are open on any election day.

Whenever the Supervisor of Elections of Hernando County determines that the accommodations for holding any election at a precinct polling place are unavailable or are inadequate for voting, the supervisor may provide, not less than 30 days prior to the holding of an election, that the voting place for such precinct shall be moved to another site which shall be accessible to the public on election day in the precinct, or if such is not available, to another site which shall be accessible to the public on election day in an adjacent precinct.

A notice of the change of the polling place involved will be mailed, at least 14 days prior to an election, to each registered elector or to each household in which there is a registered elector. Additionally, notice of a polling location change will be published within a general circulation local newspaper not more than 30 days or fewer than 7 days prior to the holding of an election. The notice will provide a clear description of the change in voting place.

All polling place changes cannot be anticipated in advance. Sometimes a building can become suddenly unavailable due to building damage road flooding, power failure, or a number of reasons. In such cases of emergency an when time does not permit adquate notice, the supervisor of elections will designate a new polling place which will be accessible to the public on election day and shall cause a notice to be posted at the old polling place advising the electors of the location of the new polling place. F.S. 101.71, 101.001

Shirley Anderson, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County
OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
PHONE: (352) 754-4125
FAX: (352) 754-4425
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

"It is the mission of the Supervisor of Elections office to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and empower each voter through continuous education."