  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:

Elections Security

  • Voter Registration Applications are processed through the Department of State to verify the applicant meets eligibility requirements.
  • Our voter registration database is updated routinely and any change to a voter’s record produces an audit trail that is recorded and backed-up daily.
  • We use a variety of resources including reports from the Florida Department of Vital Statistics, and the USPS to ensure we have updated and accurate voter data.
  • Our voter registration system is not connected to our tabulation system.

  • To vote in Hernando County, voters must be registered to vote with a residential address in Hernando.
  • Florida is a paper ballot state, leaving a paper trail of every vote cast.
  • Once a voter checks in at a polling location, during Early Voting or on Election Day, or their Vote-by-Mail ballot is returned to our office, their voter record is updated and is flagged as "already voted" which prevents a voter from voting twice in the same election.
  • All signatures are reviewed by trained signature verification election officials.
  • Voters are required to present photo and signature identification approved by the state in order to vote.

  • Our tabulation equipment is secured behind locked doors, armed with a security system, and under 24-hour camera surveillance.
  • Our tabulation equipment is certified by the State and EAC (Election Assistance Commission). Each machine must pass a 100% Logic and Accuracy test in order to be used in an election. During this test, we use randomized pre-marked test decks to ensure the tabulation equipment is scanning and tabulating results accurately.
  • Chain of custody logs are kept during transportation of tabulation equipment and secure election supplies which are sealed with tamper evidence seals.
  • Result files are digitally signed and encrypted using certified software then physically transported to the main Elections Office to be loaded onto the stand-alone server, NOT connected to the internet, to tabulate and report results.
  • Paper result tapes are also printed and retained for 22 months along with the paper ballots.
  • Official results are audited to confirm that ballots are accounted for and the vote counts are accurate.

Voters = ballots and ballots = votes

  • We have partnered with several agencies to ensure our network is secure including the Hernando County Board of County Commissioners, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, and the Center for Internet Security.
  • We have purchased and installed an ALBERT Sensor which is a network security monitoring system that helps identify potential malicious activity.
  • We conduct trainings with staff to help increase our knowledge of network security and submit to best practices to ensure our personal computers and other technology devices are secure.

  • Communication channels including our website and social media accounts serve as an important function in getting election and voting information out to the public. The measures we have taken to secure these platforms include mandatory two-factor authentication, which helps prevent malicious actors from gaining access to our accounts, and verification badges which help identify suspicious activity that can be more easily reported.
  • Our website domain transitioned to in 2021. Website domains ending in “.gov” are reserved for U.S.-based government agencies, and make it harder for malicious actors to attempt to impersonate governments.
  • Our accounts for Facebook, Twitter are identified as “verified” by each platform, which further conveys that our social media channels are THE trusted resources to obtain election and voting information.

For additional information on elections security, please email [email protected], or call 352-754-4125

Shirley Anderson, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County
OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
PHONE: (352) 754-4125
FAX: (352) 754-4425
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

"It is the mission of the Supervisor of Elections office to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and empower each voter through continuous education."