Signature Update
Signatures may change over time.
It is very important that your signature on file is updated in our database.
If you as a voter:
- Have been registered to vote for many years and your signature style has changed;
- Have been married or divorced
- Are unable to write (see below*)
You should update your signature by submitting a Florida Voter Registration Application Form.
Florida Voter Registration Application
Solicitud de inscripciĆ³ como votante en Florida
Signatures in your registration record are used to verify signatures on petitions, vote-by-mail ballots and provisional ballots.
If your signatures do not match, your petition or ballot will not count.
For more information please call the Supervisor of Elections office at 352-754-4125.
*PLEASE NOTE: If you are a caregiver to someone whose signature needs to be updated for any reason, Power of Attorney cannot be accepted in place of the voter's signature or marking.