  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democratic:
  • Republican:
  • Others:
  • Total:

Vote-by-Mail Voter Information

Below you will find some frequently asked questions about voting by mail. If you have any further questions that need answering please contact the SOE office at 352-754-4125 or email [email protected]

Any registered voter in Hernando County may request a Vote-by-Mail ballot from the

Hernando County Supervisor of Elections.

You must contact the Supervisor of Elections office to request a Vote-by-Mail ballot.

You may contact the elections office by:

Online:Request a Vote-by-Mail ballot.

Mail: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, 34604

Phone: 352-754-4125 / para español 1-833-912-1317

Fax: 352-754-4425

Only the voter or an immediate family member of the voter may request a Vote-by-Mail ballot. F.S. 101.62(1)(d)

Immediate family members include:

  • - Spouse
  • - Parent
  • - Grandparent
  • - Child
  • - Grandchild
  • - Sibling
  • - Sibling In-law
  • - Parent In-law
  • - Legal Guardian

  • - Voter's Name
  • - Voter's Hernando County residential address
  • - Voter's Date of Birth
  • - Voter's Signature (written requests only)
  • - Voter's Driver's license number or last 4 of social security number
  • - The address that the ballot will be mailed to if different from the residential address
  • NOTE:The post office will not forward Vote-by-Mail ballots.

If an immediate family member is making the request for the voter, the following information must be provided in addition to the above:

  • - Address of the family member making the request
  • - Relationship of the family member making the request
  • - Driver's license number or last 4 of social security of the family member making the request
  • - Signature of the family member making the request (written requests only)

You may also designate IN WRITING someone to pick up a Vote-by-Mail ballot for you at the Supervisor of Elections office.

The designee will be required to:

Provide Identification and

Complete the form:

Affidavit to Pick up a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for Voter

Español (In Progress)

Limitations:A designee may only pick up two ballots per election unless he/she is an immediate family member of the voter.

Ballots obtained by designee MAY ONLY be obtained on Election Day or up to five days prior to the Election.

There is no limit to the number of ballots a person may return on behalf of other voters.

NOTE: Any person who provides or offeres to provide, and any person who accepts, a pecuniary or other benefit in exchange for distributing, ordering, requesting, collecting, delivering or otherwise physically possessing more than two mail ballots per election in addition to his or her own ballot or a ballot belonging to an immediate family member, except as provided in F.S. 101.6105-101.695, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in F.S. 775.082, 775.083 or 775.084.

Mailing of Vote-by-Mail begins approximately 40-33 days prior to each election to those voters who have

requested a Vote-by-Mail ballot.

  • The voter must personally vote his/her ballot, unless assistance i s required due to blindness, disability or inability to read or write.
  • Completely blacken the oval(s) corresponding to the candidate(s) and/or referendum(s) of your choice.
  • Be sure to vote both sides of the ballot.
  • Place your completed ballot in the green secrecy sleeve.
  • Place both ballot and secrecy sleeve in the return envelope that came with your ballot.
  • Complete the voter's certificate on the return envelope.
  • Seal the envelope and sign your name inside the red box where indicated. Do not sign your spouse's envelope.
  • Pring the date under your signature.
  • Mail your ballot back to us or drop off ballot at either Supervisor of Elections office in our Secure Ballot Dropbox or any Early Voting site during Early Vote days/hours of operation (see link at top of page for the drop box locations)
  • Ballots may be returned by mail or in person.
  • Track your ballot online using the Voter Lookup Tool at

NOTE: Your Vote-by-Mail must be received by the Supervisor of Elections by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day.

IMPORTANT: The signature on file at the time the supervisor of elections in the county in which your precinct is located receives your mail ballot is the signature that will be used to verify your signature on the voter's certificate envelope.

    If you make a mistake or if your ballot is damaged, call (352) 754-4125 to request another ballot.

    You may receive up to three ballots; however, only the first ballot received in our office will be counted.

    If you receive a mail ballot, but you would prefer to vote at your precinct, take your mail ballot with you to your polling place.

    Election workers will mark the mail ballot "cancelled," and you'll be allowed to vote a regular ballot at the polling place.

    If you do not take your ballot to the polls, an election worker will confirm with election staff that your ballot was NOT received

    before issuing a regular ballot to you. If elections staff cannot confirm that your ballot has NOT been received, you may vote a

    provisional ballot, and the canvassing board will later determine the validity of the ballot.

Voters have the ability to track their Vote-by-Mail ballot online by filling out the form HERE.

listed below are the different steps of the ballot status to help you better understand each meaning.

  • Requested - We have your request on file, but have not yet acted on it.
  • Sent - Your ballot has been mailed to the address listed on file.
  • Received - This will display two possible messages:

(Blue Arrow)

If the received arrow is blue, your ballot has been processed and no errors have been found with your ballot.

(Red Arrow)

If the arrow is red, there is an error that has been reported with your ballot, and any actions you need to take will be listed on the website.

You have until two days after the Election at 5 p.m. to cure your ballot.

  • Counted - All ballots that were accepted without error, and those errors the Canvassing Board was able to rectify and accept will be marked as counted.

For more information on this process, please contact 352-745-4125.

Vote-by-Mail ballots may be returned to the Supervisor of Elections office in person or by mail.

However you choose to return your ballot, it must be received in the Brooksville Elections office by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. (F.S. 101.69)

NOTE: A voted Vote-by-Mail ballot cannot be accepted at a polling place for return to the Elections office. There are no exceptions to this law. F.S. 101.69

Effective Octover, 17, 2016, if you returned your Vote-by-Mail ballot to your Supervisor of Elections, but the signature on the Voter's Certificate did not match the

signature on the Supervisor of Elections' file, your ballot will not count unless you complete and return the Signature Cure Affidavit for Vote-by-Mail / Spanish

no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday before the election. Please follow the election. Please follow the instructions on the form carefully, as failure to follow these

these instructions may cause your ballot not to count.

Note that the later you return your ballot, the less time you will have to cure any signature deficiencies, which is authorized until 5 p.m. on the 2nd day after the election.

Vote-by-Mail FAQ


English Español 

Shirley Anderson, Supervisor of Elections, Hernando County
OFFICE: 16264 Spring Hill Drive, Brooksville, FL 34604
PHONE: (352) 754-4125
FAX: (352) 754-4425
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOURS: Monday-Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:30p.m.

"It is the mission of the Supervisor of Elections office to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and empower each voter through continuous education."